Profiles Screen

Use this screen to view, add, or edit profiles.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Company Name Enter search criteria in this field.
Profile Type Select the type of profile from the droplist to refine your search. Select one of the profile type options. Options include All, Insurance Company, Claim Office, Repair Facility, and Contract Customer.
New Profile Select this action to create a new insurance company claim office.
Import Profiles Select this action to import profile files.
Refresh Select this option to refresh the data in the profile Search Results pane.
Print This option prints the profiles names in report format.
Print Preview Select this option to view the list of profiles on your screen.
Export to CSV Use this option to export the list of profiles in a comma separated format (CSV).
Name This column displays the name of the profile.
Company Code The associated profile company code is displayed in this column.
Type This is the type of profile. Valid values are insurance company, claim office, inspection facility, repair facility, and .
City This is the profile city name.
Edit Select the profile, and then select this option to open the selected profile.

See Also

Searching Profiles

Editing or Viewing a Profile







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